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Sunday, March 06, 2005

~Saddam In A Cage~

Many Thoughts enter my mind when I am sitting in front of a Laundromat; today while sitting in front of a Laundromat this thought entered my mind.

Soon Saddam Hussein will go on trial, for being a “murderer” a “rapist” a “torturer” and an “inhuman piece of shit”.

It has been confirmed that at the courthouse a “CAGE” will be built for “Saddy” to sit in while the trial proceeds. Got that? -A Cage. Saddam will be sitting in a Cage, just like a Chimpanzee. “Holy Mary Mother Of Jesus H. Christ Almighty”

The left wing, knee jerking, hand wringing, whining, spluttering, slobbering, bed wetting, Liberal Democrats are going to go berserk. The Bush Haters all across America will be whipping themselves with chains. Saddam will have to sit in a Cage, it’s barbaric, dear God what will these damn “Neo Cons” do next.

Nancy Pelosi, Barbara “Hag” Boxer, Uncle “Women Killer” Teddy, Lovely Maxine Waters, Dan Rather (?) lol, Susan Sarandon, Al (Ape) Franken, Editors from the NY Times & Boston Globe are all going to meet on the steps of the US Capital Building at 6:00 PM on the eve of the trial and set themselves on fire.

Jesse Jackoff the Spiritual Advisor for Mr & Mrs Clinton will be going on a “hunger strike”, his new secretary will join him.

The following democrats will protest in this manner:
Barney Frank will have sex “with a women” on live TV.
Ellen Degenerate will have sex “with a man” on live TV.
Michael Jackson will have sex “with a grownup” on live TV.
Madonna will have sex “with herself” on live TV

A Cage, this dastardly act will have repercussions throughout the world, America, land of the free, home of the brave will actually make a man sit in a Cage. (Only a republican would do such a thing)

The New Hollywood Democrats would be dancing in the streets if they could get GW Bush into a Cage.
Author: Red Burtt


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree. Saddam in a cage sounds like lots of fun. i'll bring the handcuffs, you wanna bring the velvet ropes. i dig you man.

7:44 PM  

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