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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Xmas Greeting, Say It The American Way

The liberal sore losing democrats for the last few years have a new agenda, they don't want you to say "Merry Christmas", they prefer, "Happy Holiday", well they can shove their "Happy Holiday" bullshit.

When you watch "Cute Perky Katie" show you her Gums and flutter her eyelids, then softly gush, "Happy Holidays", quietly say to yourself, "up yours Katie", then say out loud, "Happy birthday Jesus H. Christ". If that offends the Illegal Aliens or the Arabs, or any other of the Bed Wetting Democrats Friends, TOUGH SHIT.

If what I am about to say offends you, TO BAD, this is America, we call it Christmas and always have.

Author: Red Burtt


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