John"Fonda" Kerry Said!
Riveting, Amazing, Brilliant that is what I, "Red Burtt" have to say about Hero Kerrys most memorable statement in his second debate with President GW Bush.
These words will go down in "debate history", historians will be studying them for generations to come.
Kerry said,
I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan , I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan.
As he repeated these words over and over again, his wife Teresa was breathing heavily, Whoopi Goldberg fainted, Sean Penn had an Orgasm on the corner of Hollywod and Vine St and Cute Perky Katie Curic had to be sedated. Jesse Jackoff was watching the debate in a small church in Alabama, he was on his knees with his new secretary, they were both scratching themselves and screaming, "Praise God, Praise God Almighty, He Has A Plan"
President Bush just mumbled and grinned.
Nobody on the planet has any idea what the "Plan Is"
These words will go down in "debate history", historians will be studying them for generations to come.
Kerry said,
I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan , I have a plan, I have a plan, I have a plan.
As he repeated these words over and over again, his wife Teresa was breathing heavily, Whoopi Goldberg fainted, Sean Penn had an Orgasm on the corner of Hollywod and Vine St and Cute Perky Katie Curic had to be sedated. Jesse Jackoff was watching the debate in a small church in Alabama, he was on his knees with his new secretary, they were both scratching themselves and screaming, "Praise God, Praise God Almighty, He Has A Plan"
President Bush just mumbled and grinned.
Nobody on the planet has any idea what the "Plan Is"
John Kerry's Iraq Plan
Mark A. York
Purpose: To present John Kerry’s Iraq Plan
Kerry has the best plan to solve the problem of the Iraq stabilization
While some, including President Bush chant “stay the course,” many think that a leader needs to recognize and react to changing conditions on the ground in Iraq.
"This president, I don't know if he really sees what's happening over there."
John Kerry in the first debate Sept. 30, 2004
John Kerry is a leader who can adjust to these changing conditions and create policy that keeps up with events, not deny they exist. Only with this ability can a successful strategy emerge from the nightmarish conditions we read about every day.
These news reports are not made up for effect.
The insurgency is increasing.
The country has become a magnet for outside terrorists groups including al Qaeda.
Infrastructure including electricity, water and waste are still in dismal shape hindering daily life.
Outside American contractors get the bulk of the work not Iraqis.
NATO needs to be brought in to help secure maintain the peace.
John Kerry has a plan to combat these problems here's how he will accomplish it if elected:
I. Insurgency
A. Ex-Bathist Saddam loyalists are regrouping from the war and increasing in power.
B. Newly recruited insurgents from the Iraqi population are on the increase.
C. “But within months, more U.S. troops had been killed after the end of "major combat operations" than during the actual war. And April 2004 has been the bloodiest to date, with 134 U.S. service personnel killed.”
U.P.I. United Press International April 30, 2004 Friday
More than 1000 American troops have been killed to date.
II. Al Qaeda and other Islamic groups in country that weren’t there before now are.
A. None were actually operating in Iraq before the war despite brief contacts.
B. Kidnappings and beheadings by the groups are increasing in frequency.
III. American contractors get the bulk of the reconstruction work leaving Iraqis unemployed Prone to recruitment by these insurgent and foreign terrorist groups.
A. Despite cost overruns these contractors who are operating on borrowed American tax dollars are failing to reconstruct the country. “The president must carry out a reconstruction plan that finally brings tangible benefits to the Iraqi people. Last week, the administration admitted that its plan was a failure when it asked Congress for permission to radically revise spending priorities in Iraq. It took 17 months for them to understand that security is a priority, 17 months to figure out that boosting oil production is critical, 17 months to conclude that an Iraqi with a job is less likely to shoot at our soldiers.” Kerry speech at NYU Sept. 20th.
VII. Outside help is needed through NATO with support from the UN.
A. Because of the image as occupiers Americans and British troops who make up 99 percent of the troops, a neutral force is necessary to support and train the Iraqi Police forces. “The president should convene a summit meeting of the world's major powers and Iraq's neighbors, this week, in New York, where many leaders will attend the U.N. General Assembly. He should insist that they make good on that U.N. resolution. He should offer potential troop contributors specific, but critical roles, in training Iraqi security personnel and securing Iraq's borders. He should give other countries a stake in Iraq's future by encouraging them to help develop Iraq's oil resources and by letting them bid on contracts instead of locking them out of the reconstruction process.” Kerry Speech at NYU Sept. 20th.
B. “Kerry's plan would have NATO take on the war in Iraq by the time the alliance meets in June. The organization would begin with control of Iraq's border security, then take over responsibility for northern Iraq and/or the Polish sector and later take responsibility for training Iraq's security forces. The alliance would want to do this, Kerry said, because stabilizing Iraq is in each member country's interest.” U.P.I. United Press International April 30, 2004 Friday
C. To date this police force is under-trained, and ill-prepared to handle the security leading up to elections in January.
D. “The second part of Kerry's plan would create an international high
commissioner through the U.N. Security Council to organize the transition of sovereignty and the country's reconstruction. The commissioner would be someone who is "highly regarded by the international community and who has the credibility and capacity to talk to all the Iraqi people," according to Kerry's plan. And finally, Kerry calls for a massive training program to create an Iraqi security force.” U.P.I. United Press International April 30, 2004 Friday
This program will:
1.Provide incentives to improve and accelerate military and police recruitment.
2.Expand urgently the security forces training program inside and outside Iraq by establishing a single, common template for police training and another for military training, and enlisting our NATO allies to open training centers in their countries. Recruit thousands of qualified trainers from our allies, especially those who have no troops in Iraq.
3.Strengthen the vetting of Iraqi recruits, double classroom training time, and require follow-on field training. “Winning the Peace in Iraq,” John
E. Police have been defecting to the insurgency groups and collaborating with them according to CNN reporting on 9/29/04
F. “Wolf, both rank and file members as well as senior officers are undermining efforts to deliver stability in Iraq. And they're doing it either willingly, or under pressure.” Zain Verjee, CNN Correspondent on Wolf Blitzer Reports September 29, 2004
John Kerry has the only viable plan to get us out of Iraq and leave a reasonably successful Iraqi government and military force able to cope with these challenges by implementing this four-prong approach:
· Internationalize, because others must share the burden;
· Train Iraqis, because they must be responsible for their own security;
· Move forward with reconstruction because that's an important way to stop the spread of terror; and
· Help Iraqis achieve a viable government, because it is up to them to run their own country. Kerry, John. “Winning The Peace In Iraq.”
Only then can some semblance of stability occur.
Works Cited:
Horrigan, Marie, “Analysis: Kerry's Iraq Plan” U.P.I. United Press International Washington, April 30 Friday 2004
Kerry, John. “Winning The Peace In Iraq.”
Speech at New York University, Remarks of John Kerry, September 20, 2004
Verjee, Zain CNN Correspondent “Are Some Iraqi Troops Supporting Insurgents?” Wolf Blitzer Reports CNN September 29, 2004 - 17:00 ET
Kerry, John, Debate 1. Foreign Policy, Sept. 30, 2004 Coral Gables, Florida
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