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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Pretty Boys Pimple

Remember little pretty boy, "Slinky Edwards", John "Fonda" Kerry's running mate. It was Edwards that claimed if "War Hero"Kerry" were elected people would rise from their wheelchairs and walk again.

Remember how Kerry and Edwards used to massage each others backs when they were on stage together, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Now, do you remember that "Pretty Boy" Edwards had a big pimple on his lip.

Last month Kerry & Edwards met at some Dip Shit "Hate Bush" Liberal gathering, they shook hands and then they immediately started to rub each others back. That is when it happened, (A Kerry Miracle) Edwards Pimple dissapeared. It hasn't returned. The Pimple is gone. I wish I could get "Fonda" Kerry to rub my back.

I wish I could get Kerry to rub my leg.

Dear God, maybe John "Fonda" Kerry can get people "up and running" from their wheelchairs... The next time you see the "Handsome Lawyer" look closely at his Cute little face.......THE DAMN PIMPLE IS GONE............. "Our Father Who Art In Heaven"


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